Academic Appeals Lawyer

100 King Street West, Suite 5600, Toronto, ON M5X1C9


Office Hours:
Mon.-Fri. 8:30AM to 5:00pm

Practice Areas: Academic Honesty and Misconduct

Our academic appeal and misconduct lawyers have represented students across Canada.

What is Academic Misconduct? What is Academic Honesty?

Universities and colleges have codes and rules of conduct which identify academic offences that run counter to university values and standard.

If students engage in conduct that is in opposition to the university’s mission to create internationally significant research and excellent academic programs, then they could be charged for having violated the code of conduct. Depending upon the individual school and its individual code of conduct,  a student’s academic misconduct could include:

  1. underage drinking,
  2. drug possession or use,
  3. DUI,
  4. hazing, bullying,
  5. cheating, plagiarism,
  6. causing disruption in the classroom,
  7. sexual harassment, sexual assault,
  8. theft, vandalism, gang activity, bomb threats or other threats to students, faculty or staff, among other offenses.

What is Academic Integrity?

The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as “a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals to action.”

In most instances, a student’s misconduct becomes the subject of a school disciplinary or misconduct hearing, especially if the school believes the off-campus conduct demonstrates a danger to others in the school community. For more serious offenses, a criminal investigation may also be opened, but the criminal case is completely separate from the academic misconduct charge, and neither is required to rely upon findings in the other proceeding. In many cases, the school will not agree to postpone the disciplinary hearing just because a criminal case has been brought against you. The university cases of a more serious nature are handled by the university tribunal or senate.

To determine an appropriate sanction for an academic decision-makers look at the following (not a complete list):

  1. The context and seriousness of the offence
  2. The number of times you have committed an academic offence
  3. The point at which you admit to an offence and thereby demonstrate insight and remorse.

Academic misconduct allegations can have far-reaching consequences for a student’s professional future. Whether it be an allegation of plagiarism, dishonesty, or inadequate performance in meeting the academic standard’s set by the faculty (i.e. low GPA, failure of mandatory courses); often, a student’s only avenue of appeal is within the internal process set by each individual university or college. Without the requisite legal advice and representation from an experienced lawyer, students often find themselves frustrated by the imbalance of power that results from directly dealing with professors, Dean/Dean Designate, Governing Council, Program Chairs and Academic Appeal Committees.

To speak to our academic appeals lawyers (academic misconduct lawyers) please contact us below. All communication is strictly confidential.

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    If you or someone you care about is looking for a academic appeals and academic misconduct lawyer in Ontario, Please contact us 24/7 for help. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure you receive exceptional representation.

    The Office

    Business Hours

    • Address: 100 King Street West, Suite 5600
    • Mon.-Fri. 8:30am - 5:00pm